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The issue of pricing in the funeral industry is a very difficult one.

Consumers tend to compare final prices without any sound background information

whether the prices being compared also apply to exactly the same offers.

Cremation is not the same as cremation. We certainly have a lot of things in our house

and services "in good form" that are not even taken into account elsewhere, and then it "limps".

Comparison.  Our prices often include more and more comprehensive services than elsewhere.


Nevertheless, we will give you an overview of some basic prices.


Cremation without ceremony / funeral silent                   from   2390.- * (including coffin, urn, formalities, disinfection)

Cremation with accompanied presence.                    from   2690.- * (incl. coffin, urn, formalities, disinfection)

Cremation with funeral service                             from   3290.- * (Incl. coffin, urn, decoration, mold, disinfection)

Burial with burial                        from   3790.- * (Incl. coffin, carrier, formalities, disinfection)

Burial with funeral service                                 from   4390.- * (Incl. coffin, carrier, decoration, form, disinfection)


* All prices plus expenses such as death certificate, death certificate, hall of the deceased, supplies,

Flowers, multimedia accompaniment (photos, image forFuneral service on canvas, electronic music )


We will determine the exact cemetery fees you will incur on a case-by-case basis

verified and are also not part of our price overview.


Additional services can be:

Speakers, mourning pressure, music, additional laying out, home visits outside of regular working hours, 

Urns, transfers of urns to the place of burial.

The costs incurred for this will be calculated if necessary.

Mathias Wulf

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